Thursday, January 21, 2016

Find Number of Brother, sister and friends

Tell Brothers, Sisters and Friend of anyone

This puzzle will let you know the number of brothers, sisters and close friends your friend do have through a recreational mathematical puzzle. Are you ready to play this game with your friends? This game is based on mathematical calculation so please don’t use calculator or any electronic device as it will ruin the purpose of the game. Mathematical games are the best exercise for your brain so keep doing the calculation in your head or do manual calculation.

Before I come to the game let me advise you to be alert while playing this game with your near and dear ones. Take a piece of paper and pen and give it to your friend or someone with whom you want to play this game. I am sure at the end of this game you are definitely going to get a good response from the audience.

Here comes the steps which you will dictate and your friend will follow.

• Ask your friend to write the number of his/ her sister on a piece of paper and multiply it by 2.
• Add 3 to that total.
• Now multiply the result by 5 and add the number of brothers to this number.
• Further multiply this number by 10 and add the number of your close friends to it.
• I think you are OK with the calculation. In order to tell you the correct answer I will finally ask you to add 125 to the result and tell me the final answer.
• I have to blow the whistle this time by giving you the correct answer. Wait let me subtract 275 from your final result and come to the answer.
• You will have a 3 digit number at the end of the game. The number at the hundred place tells you the number of sisters and the number places at ten’s digit is the number of brother and the unit digit tells you the number of good friends you have.

Isn’t it a funny and mind blowing game?

Example: - Suppose you have 3 sisters, 2 brothers and 4 close friends. Let’s begin the calculation to check how effective this game is.
• Number of sister × 2 = 3 × 2 = 6
• Add 3 to it = 6 + 3 = 9
• Multiply it by 5 = 9 × 5 = 45
• Add number of brothers to it = 45 + 2 = 47
• Multiply the result by 10 = 47 × 10 = 470
• Add number of close friends to it = 470 + 4 = 474
• Add 125 to it and tell me the result = 474 + 125 = 599
• Finally I shall subtract 275 from your result = 599 – 275 = 324

Now the question is – Why this puzzle works?

A three digits number with its digits X, Y and Z = 100X + 10Y + Z
• Multiply Number of sister (X) by 2 = X × 2 = 2X
• Add 3 to it = 2X + 3 = 2X + 3
• Multiply it by 5 = (2X + 3)× 5 = 10X + 15
• Add number of brothers (Y) to it = 10X + 15 + Y
• Multiply the result by 10 = (10X + 15 + Y)× 10 = 100X + 10Y + 150
• Add number of close friends (Z) to it = 100X + 10Y + 150+ Z
• Add 125 to it and tell me the result = 100X + 10Y + 150+Z + 125
• Finally I shall subtract 275 from your result = 100X + 10Y + Z+ 275 – 275 = 100X + 10Y + Z

The three digit number with X at hundred place, Y at the Ten’s place and Z at the unit place = 100X + 10Y + Z

Dr Rajesh Kumar Thakur

Number of Fans and Tubelight

Count the number of fan and tube light

This is a unique puzzle that will help you to play a very funny mathematical game with your friends that will let you guess the number of fan and tube light at his home without being there. Every household has fan, tube –light and many other electronics appliances. This game will let you know about two of the appliances present at your friends’ house whether it be tube-light, fan, LCD or any other appliances. For the convenience of reader this game has been based here on fan and tube light.

Tell your friend to do the following calculation on his copy as instructed by you.

1. Multiply the number of fan at your home by 2

2. Add 4 to it

3. Multiply it by 5

4. Add the number of tube-light at home to the previous result.

5. Subtract 20 and tell the final result

The result which your friend will give you have two digits. The number at the ten’s place will be the number of fan at his house and the digit at the unit place will tell you the tube light at home.

Example:- Suppose there are 5 fans and 8 tube-lights in your friend’s house. Let’s see the calculation as instructed.

1. Multiply the number of fan at your home by 2 = 5 × 2 = 10

2. Add 4 to it = 10 + 4 = 14

3. Multiply it by 5 = 14 × 5 = 70

4. Add the number of tube-light at home to the previous result = 70 + 8 = 78

5. Subtract 20 and tell the final result = 78 -20 = 58

Once your friend tells you his final result you can instantly tell the number of fans and tube- light present in his home.
5 8
Number of fan Number of tube- light

How does this puzzle work?

We know that a two digit number with x at ten’s place and y at the unit place = 10x + y

If x represent the number of fan at home and y represents the number of tube- lights at home then you will get the final result = 10x + y.

Let’s see the trick behind this puzzle.

1. Multiply the number of fan at your home by 2 = 2x

2. Add 4 to it = 2x + 4

3. Multiply it by 5 = (2x + 4) × 5 = 10x + 20

4. Add the number of tube-light at home to the previous result = 10x + 20 + y

5. Subtract 20 and tell the final result = 10x + 20 + y – 20 = 10x + y

Rajesh Kumar Thakur

Monday, January 18, 2016

My Love India Puzzle

My Love India

My love India

Being Indian we must salute our motherland. This puzzle will not only test your mathematical skill but at the end will explicit how much love you have for your motherland. Get a copy and calculator, because you need to calculate faster and follow the step given below-

• Take a three digit numbers whose all digits are different. Arrange them, first in descending order and then in ascending order.

• Subtract them

• Repeat the process and after a few steps you will find a constant number

• Multiply the number obtained by 100000000.

• Finally subtract 13731907509 from the previous result.

• Now compare your result with the table given below and write the alphabet corresponding to the number in your copy and you will be surprised to get the result MY LOVE INDIA.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Original number = 458

Step 1:- Arrange in descending order = 854

Arrange in ascending order = 458

Subtract them = 854 – 458 = 396

Step 2:- Arrange in descending order = 963

Arrange in ascending order = 396

Subtract them = 963 – 369 = 594

Step 3: Arrange in descending order = 954

Arrange in ascending order = 459

Subtract them = 954 – 459 = 495

Step 4: Arrange in descending order = 954

Arrange in ascending order = 459

Subtract them = 954 – 459 = 495

Step 5:- Multiply the number obtained by 100000000 = 495 x 100000000 = 49500000000

Step 6:- Subtract 13731907509 = 49500000000 – 13731907509 = 35768092491

Step 7:- Compare the result obtained from the above table and write a letter correspondingly.
Your result = MY LOVE INDIA

Thank You

Dr Rajesh Kumar Thakur